Unifimoney Robo Advisor

Auto invest without the stress.

Iphone showing Total Portfolio Value from Unifimoney app

Quick Summary

Auto invest each month and passively grow your wealth

Invest lump sums when you want

Proprietary portfolio monitored by the Unifimoney Investments Team

From only 0.30% per year (~$3.00 per $1,000 invested)

Portfolios built and managed based on your risk profile

Effortlessly build your long-term investment portfolio with our proprietary investment platform

Making frequent low-value investments allows you to manage timing risk (buying when the market is high) and benefit from dollar-cost averaging.

We help you invest your small change automatically. By using our auto-deposit feature, you can transfer funds monthly into a low cost, highly diversified fund appropriate for your risk tolerance.

Low Cost Robo platform from only .30% annually

Deposit interest passively invested on monthly basis

Automatically contribute each month as little or as much as you like

Credit Card transaction cashback is automatically invested into your portfolio (when available)


Low Cost Advisor with Auto-Invest

Unifimoney Robo-Advisor

ETF Portfolios are matched to your chosen risk profile and rebalanced quarterly.

By answering a few simple questions, the Unifimoney Robo-Advisor will recommend a low cost etf portfolio, invested across different sectors and re-balanced automatically so you can invest without the stress.


If your goals or risk profile change at any time, you can easily update your responses within the app.


Any additional deposits you make to the account are automatically invested  in your selected portfolio.


Charged at an annual advisory fee of 0.30% on all assets under management deducted monthly

Investments in securities through the Unifimoney Tech QOZB, LLC and Unifimoney RIA QOZB, LLC account are:
Not FDIC Insured | May Lose Value | No Bank Guarantee

Frequently asked questions

Is there a minimum balance requirement to use the Robo Advisory Investment account within my Unifimoney account?

Are there any fees associated with my Robo account?

How do I change my Robo monthly auto-invest amount?

Can I opt out of the monthly Robo auto-deposit?

How do I update my risk profile for my Robo account?