Goldman Sachs jumps on the Robo investment bandwagon seeking to capitalize on the enormous growth in retail investors.
Goldman is late to this party with the majority of Big Brand Banks and #Fintech having moved to bundle banking and investing. The "traditional" (less than 10 years old but its a fast moving market) split between #Neobanks providing banking services investment apps like Robinhood and Wealthfront has now merged into a single digital retail banking/investment market.
This puts even more competitive pressure on #communitybanks and #creditunions to evovle from just providing commodity banking to full service financial services companies.
Key Points Summary
- Goldman Sachs is expanding its customer base to include Main Street investors.
- This move is driven by the desire to increase fee revenue.
- The bank plans to offer sophisticated investment strategies previously only available to wealthy clients.
- These strategies will be accessible through the robo-advisor platform Betterment.
- Goldman Sachs is aiming to help everyday investors save money on taxes.
- This partnership marks a significant shift in Goldman Sachs’s approach to investment management.
- The bank is capitalizing on the growing demand for financial services among retail investors
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